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Campaign to save the Central YMCA Club


The proposed closure of the Central YMCA on Great Russell Street is causing serious consternation among the community and needs your urgent attention. 


It was only on Monday 2nd December that YMCA members and staff received an email from the charity that runs the Club saying that a decision had been made to sell the premises and that it would close on 7th February. To lose such a vital community hub impacts on everyone who lives in central London. The YMCA is London's largest gym and health and wellbeing centre and it provides essential services to a diverse range of ages and backgrounds. 


A week after the news broke, there was a deputation by YMCA members to Camden’s Cultural and Environment Scrutiny Committee; Cllr Sue Vincent also spoke in support. The Town Hall Chamber was packed with concerned residents. After the deputations and discussion, Scrutiny Committee Members gave their unanimous support to the Save the YMCA campaign. The webcast of the meeting can be viewed HERE.


Immediately after the public meeting, a steering group / organising committee was set up to lead the campaign, with many people immediately offering help and professional expertise. It was an inspiring example of community solidarity.


A petition against the closure has been started and has gained over 5,500 signatures; Please sign HERE. The petition is run by who ask for a donation, but this is to promote the petition - it will NOT go towards the Save the YMCA fund-raising appeal. For this, a crowdfunding website has been set up. To view and contribute, please click HERE.


For further information, there's a BBC news article HERE.

For updates, please keep an eye on the campaign website:

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